Monday, August 26, 2013

D is for. . . De stress

I have decided to make Fridays on the Blog, How to Fridays.

There are so many things I search for every week, How to videos or instructions. So I thought, during the week Ill make lists of things that I do, that maybe other people would like to know how to do.

So today is. . .

How to. . . De stress your life in 5 easy steps

Do you ever just get so frustrated with life that you can feel the steam escaping from your ears? I had a day like that yesterday, I was on edge, stressed out and ready to explode. Then I dropped a mug and it smashes everywhere and so did my mood. I was totally grumpy for the rest of my day.

However it was not the mug that ruined my day, it was a series of other things that today I have changed and I already feel much better about myself. So here are my tips.

1. Clean out your social media!

Do you have people on your Facebook or twitter that make you crazy? Do they post things that infuriate or irritate you? This happened to me yesterday, two people I had on Facebook posted things that made me really mad. Just silly little selfish things, so I deleted them. But as I was deleting them, I went on a clean out and ended up deleting almost 50 people. Not having to see them and their posts this morning, already changed my mood!

2. Go for a walk 

It doesn't matter if its down the street, around the block or up a hill, go for a walk. Get out of the house or office and get some fresh air. The mixture of fresh air and sunshine will make such a huge difference. Its like a mini holiday while you stroll. Sometimes its also easier to reason out why your mad or stressed when your outside! Give it a go

3. Write

This is a two part tip. For one, write down whats making you made, it can be a list or just a huge slab or writing. You will be surprised how much it helps to just let it all out. When I was younger I used to do this and then (safely) burn it. It used to help the bad feeling fly away like smoke from my brain.
and 2, sit and write down 5 positive things in your life, it could be family or friends or even food. Just pick some things that make you happy and choose to focus on them!

4. Breathe

Simple, yet I think the most effective way to help relax yourself. Take a deep breath in, hold it, then slowly breathe out, counting to 5 as you exhale. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Once you have slowed your breathing down, focus as you breathe, breathe in positive thoughts and breathe out negative thoughts. This might sound simple and silly, But I promise it works wonders. You can even do it while your sitting on the loo...bonus!

5. Laugh

It has been proven, that laughter is the best medicine. It sends those all important endorphins to the brian, that trigger the happiness you should be feeling. It has even been proven to boost your immune system. So...laugh. Find something hilarious to laugh at and have a good old laugh!

So try your hardest to rid yourself of the negative thoughts and people in your life, focus on what makes you happy and get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

And if all else fails, remember, tomorrow is a new day!

What helps you relax?

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